Law Enforcement Agencies

Our biometric applications work for Police, Sheriff’s Departments, and Border Patrol

Many law enforcement agencies still depend on the inefficient, often ineffective, slow, and outdated process of collecting fingerprints with ink cards. This leads to dangerous delays in reporting and potentially lets suspects fall through the cracks which could, in turn, lead to avoidable crime.

Other solutions require substantial financial investment and have a steep learning curve, but now, Lakota Software is bringing it’s new, streamlined, cost-effective, and simple solutions to local law enforcement agencies everywhere.

With its WHORL and RIAC applications, Lakota can build a solution to meet your needs and budget – empowering your officers with accurate information so they can make real-time decisions on the front lines.


A powerful and customizable platform to simply collect fingerprints through any livescan device or build a complete enrollment workstation

  • Whorl easily integrates into government and commercial systems allowing their users to connect seamlessly with their automated biometric identification systems (ABIS).
  • Whorl provides a gateway to any ABIS which prevents vendor lock-in giving their clients the ability to build their biometric system to the right size and scope.
  • The Whorl solution can be set-up easily in a matter of minutes at virtually any workstation.
  • Capture palm and tenprints (flats/rolled) by plugging any livescan device into your system (ask us how we can help you obtain the best devices!)
  • Create, edit, and validate NIST files to ensure compliant submissions are being sent for enrollment and identification.
  • Collect iris, face, and SMTs
  • Develop custom workflows to meet your needs through various plugins (e.g., exporting, printing, etc.)


An application designed to simplify the fingerprint card scanning process

  • Supports any card layout and batch scanning
  • Reads both sides of the card extremely fast by using the FBI-approved Fujitsu fi-7600 scanner
  • Utilizes Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Automatically converts the scanned documents to NIST files using our Whorl plugin

Our solutions don’t require a large investment, and there’s no long-term contract or commitment.

Free 30-day trial of the applications so you can see how it works for your department.

Lakota is also a certified reseller of hardware and livescan equipment and can help you obtain the best pricing for your department. We offer an extensive catalog of tablets, PC’s, fingerprint and palm print card scanners, printers, and more.